Architecture for Pets


Our Dog’s Home Office

Due to the current pandemic we are all going through right now, several of us are spending considerably more time than usual in our homes. This has come as a bit of a surprise to our dog, who typically spends the most of the time on weekdays by himself at home and with full access to the whole house.

You’re still here? Don’t you have to go to work?

With that said I have noticed a new quirky behavior from our dog that doesn’t make much sense to me but that he seems to enjoy. When I put together office spaces for my wife and me, it created unique nooks around the house where furniture was moved to accommodate desks and swivel chairs. Now it seems that these tiny spaces have become his favorite places to curl up and relax as we diligently tap tap away on our laptop devices.

Of all the newly found comfort spots, beneath my wife’s desk (while she’s working) is the favorite by far. Sure, it is endearing that he wants to be so close to his best friend but he really has to work his way into that tight spot and he is by no means a tiny dog.  Seeing this behavior from our pooch has piqued my curiosity about what we could bring into our home to create a spot for our dog that is 100% his and offers him the comfort that he seeks from these intimate spaces he has been working himself into. There are plenty of ideas out there but I want to pass along the coolest one that we found (credit to my wife for this find)!

Architecture for Dogs

Check it out! If you’re an architectural/engineering geek like I am, there’s even more fun to see on this site as they assemble these works of art in 3D video and show you the plans for each piece. They aren’t the little fuzzy portable nooks that you can buy at your local pet store, but outstanding configurations of material and space that have been designed by award winning architects and designers. They give your pet a unique space to make their own along with giving your home a character piece that will undoubtedly spark some conversation amongst guests to your home. Perhaps they’ll think you’re quite the art savant or perhaps they’ll think you’re a bit of a weirdo but one thing is for certain, your pet will have the most creative stay at home spot to hangout in.