Spring “To Do’s” Around The House

Now that Easter is over and the snow is melting, Spring and “fun in the sun” is right around corner. So do not doddle and get your home setup to make the most of it. Just as families are transitioning into summer schedules etc., so are contractors and home service companies. Therefore, be proactive and think / plan for these items that will help you jump into spring.

1) Clean gutters – clean/clear gutters promote proper drainage of rain water off roof  and away from house.

2) Schedule lawn care – whether it be a local service provider or “Johnny Johnson” down the street, make sure and get on list so it will not be an after thought or a “wish I would have done that moment.”

3) Irrigation System Start – don’t be the neighbor wondering why your lawn is brown when you get home from the cabin, get on schedule with provider so it does not get forgotten.

4) Exterior Hose Bibs – once warm enough, pressurize and turn on exterior hose bibs so ready to go when springs bloom is thirsty.

5) Get Your Rain Barrels Out – if you do not have them, get them. Rain barrels are an excellent way to re-use rain water for watering plants and lawn. Time to get them out!

Now you are ready to enjoy all the fruits of Spring/Summer!!!

If you need help accomplishing any of these tasks, please contact Patrick at Lake Country Builders Customer Care.