The Difference | Peter Jacobson


The Difference

Peter Jacobson | President 

The art of home building and remodeling is basically task orientated. Digging holes, pouring concrete, constructing walls and painting sheet rock (among other things of course!). But by its nature, the results are a product of task work. Many people and companies can complete the tasks with equal quality and products. So at that point, we are all equals. Its construction – and lots of us build things.

At Lake Country, we have learned that the differential is the “Client Experience”. This is the lifeblood of success that has promoted 43 years of our longevity, allowed referrals and keeps valued clients returning. Seventy percent of our business is generated by past clients and their referrals. That’s 70%! Our mantra this year is “Our Client Experience in 2019 will be Great! “. Those words are picture framed and placed in every employee office and in the hallowed halls at Lake Country. Not surprisingly, the first comment I got from one of our staff was “I thought we always provide a great client experience!” He got a cookie that day.

Earl Nightingale was an author and virtual mentor of mine when my wife and I were building our business many years ago. I was led to him at a particularly low point in my life. I started listening to all of his motivational and life teaching tapes religiously. One of his sayings was “We will receive not what we idly wish for, but what we justly earn. Our rewards will be in exact proportion to our service”. Service to the Customer was his mantra….it has grown to be ours and continues to enhance our client experience.

We all learn from something or from someone. Hard knocks, good and bad experiences, life’s lessons, good teachers. “The Difference” that has sustained us for 43 years grew from seeds planted from the wisdom of others. Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peale. They were my difference.