Talking Shop with J&B Wood Products

27 Years of Quality Craftsmanship and it Shows

I had the unique opportunity to stop by the shop of J&B Wood Products and watch owner Rick Butterfield as he used his “timesaver” or giant table sander to the lay person, to make some finishing touches to the woodwork. Up until this visit, I’ve only had the experience of seeing the finished product at the end of a remodel project. It was truly interesting to get some time to chat with Rick and learn more about how he and his team take all of these fine pieces of wood and transform them into the quality cabinetry that they offer.

From Start to Finish

When comparing the materials used at the start of a cabinetry project to the finished products, it is clear to see the high level of skill and craftsmanship put into each piece. 

A BIG THANK YOU to Rick and his team for letting me tag along in their shop last week!

It is wonderful to get to see how much skill is involved in every part of a remodeling project from big to small.

Stay Happy & Stay Healthy!